The Parallax Theatre is currently offering two high quality archival prints. These are each signed and numbered and are virtually indistinguishable from the original paintings (even at a very close distance). Each print is printed on a mounted canvas the same dimensions as the original work. These prints were manufactured under Reed’s close scrutiny and are guaranteed to be of the highest quality available.
New Year’s at the Parallax
30” x 36” Giclée Print
Pictured here is a party goer, Sadie Orsic, seated in a chair at about 4:15 AM. She has just finished making her rounds and bringing in the new millennium at the legendary Parallax Theatre. Most of her companions are either gone home or passed out in one of the many couches the Parallax has to offer. Sadie is left to ponder - what will the new millennium bring? Will they ever find her missing brother? How promising would a career as a dental hygienist be? Will this fit in her plans? $ 500.00
Ruby Adjusts Her Garter
18” x 24” Giclée Print
Pictured here is pinup model Ruby Hardt. It’s Tuesday and Ruby has gone on a jaunt into a parallel dimension. While on her way to buy some expensive, exotic cheese, Ruby passes by a construction site populated by what look like strange, three dimensional, cubist cartoons. Ignoring their catcalls and whistles, Ruby notices one of her stockings has slipped. Defiantly, she stops and adjusts her garter, which only encourages further hoopla from the excited construction workers. $ 120.00